
5 Types of Essential 药学技术人员 Skills


Pharmacy professionals play a substantial role in quality patient care. The work done by 药学技术人员s helps ensure the effective and safe distribution and use of prescribed medications. 没有他们, patients could take medications improperly, which could cause mild to severe consequences for the patients.

As an important member of a pharmacy’s team, the role of the 药学技术人员 is to keep pharmacies operating efficiently through patient-facing and behind-the-scenes work, from patient consulting to data management. Pharmacy technicians have rewarding jobs and are in steady demand. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects 6% job growth for 药学技术人员s between 2022 and 2032 — double the average growth projected for all professions. 

To be successful in this role, 药学技术人员s must have a specific skill set. These core competencies enable them to successfully handle the job’s multifaceted duties with confidence. One important step in developing 药学技术人员 skills is to enroll in a 医疗保健 tech training program.


Pharmacy technicians handle the intricacies of a pharmacy’s operations. This ranges from receiving and filling prescription orders to preparing and maintaining any equipment used in the pharmacy. They also act as patient advocates who answer questions, 排除故障, and are familiar with the challenges of various health conditions. Pharmacy technicians must interact with patients, 遵守法规, and help pharmacists with drug therapy and other care-related tasks, such as billing and inventory management.

Pharmacy technicians are employed by drugstores, grocery stores, 医院, nursing homes, and other types of 医疗 facilities such as compounding pharmacies. While they don’t have the most physically demanding job in the 医疗保健 field, 药学技术人员s must still be in good shape to handle the many elements the job entails.

Since many employers only hire certified 药学技术人员s, program graduates should plan to obtain certification through an 组织 such as the 药学技术人员 Certification Board or the National 医疗保健er Association. 另外, individuals typically must complete several hundred hours of on-the-job training before being allowed to work one-on-one with the pharmacist.

5 药学技术人员 Skill Types

Because they help patients with a range of medication needs, 药学技术人员s must have a well-rounded skill set, which includes a mix of hard and soft skills.

1. 制药技能

Several of the competencies associated with the 药学技术人员 role directly involve pharmaceuticals, such as understanding prescriptions, being able to calculate prescriptions, and understanding the difference between branded and generic drugs. Others correlate to the operational side of pharmacy management, such as being able to track inventory, 维护设备, 处理过期药品. 

另外, 药学技术人员s must understand the legal compliance issues associated with 医疗保健 and pharmaceuticals, such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) compliance. All of these tasks require accuracy, attention to detail, 可靠性、完整性 mathematical proficiency, and the ability to multitask.

2. 技术技能 

Pharmacy technicians interact with technological systems to complete essential tasks, such as recording patient information, 跟踪库存, 办理保险理赔. This requires them to be adept at basic software programs and industry-specific applications, such as appointment-scheduling software. It also requires them to be comfortable with using computers.               

3. 管理能力

Some of the most important 药学技术人员 skills focus on the 业务 side of pharmacy operations. These skills typically have a connection to pharmaceuticals, such as being able to check prescriptions and determine insurance coverage. Other skills focus on operational functions, such as being able to order supplies.

4. 人际关系技巧 

Pharmacy technicians must interact with other professionals and patients. This means interpersonal competencies such as conflict resolution capabilities, 专业, and customer service skills are essential to job success. These skills are particularly important when discussing critical matters with patients, such as breaking down pharmaceutical costs or explaining 医疗 directions.

5. 软技能 

The soft skills needed to succeed as a 药学技术人员 relate to personal characteristics, and they are at the core of performing the job at an optimal level. These soft skills include communication, 批判性思维, 详细的方向, 组织, 时间管理, 和团队合作.

Pharmacy technicians must be able to work flexible hours, 通过药检, and maintain patient confidentiality, and they should be able to type at least 30 words per minute. The job also has certain physical demands, 比如能够举起, 推, or pull up to 10 pounds; sort small tablets; and stand for long periods of time.

Benefits of a 药学技术人员 Training 程序 

Enrolling in a 药学技术人员 training program can help individuals polish the 药学技术人员 skills needed to be successful in the role. A training program can help aspiring 药学技术人员s prepare to 进入医疗保健行业, a unique sector that provides individuals with the opportunity to have a direct impact on patients’ health and well-being. 

These programs typically offer a mix of classroom and hands-on training, allowing students to gain experience in a controlled setting. 另外, a training program can help prepare students for certification, which can provide them with further validation of their knowledge and skills and potentially lead to a broader range of job opportunities.

Become a Key Part of Quality Care

A 药学技术人员 skills training program will prepare them to perform their jobs at a very high level of proficiency. 更重要的是, they can make it possible for 药学技术人员s to be a key contributor to quality 医疗保健 delivery. Their work can have a direct and positive impact on patients’ lives, which makes this a satisfying career choice. 

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The Critical Collaboration Between 医疗助理s and Physicians
How 药学技术人员s Can Help Seniors Understand Their Medications
What Does a 药学技术人员 Do?

Indeed, “13 Reasons to Become a 药学技术人员 (With Job Duties)”
Indeed, “68 Pharmacy Tech Skills for Your Resume”
National 医疗保健er Association, Certified 药学技术人员 (CPhT)
News Medical Life Sciences, “Pharmacy Practice Profession”
药学技术人员 Certification Board, Certified 药学技术人员 (CPhT)
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 药学技术人员s

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